Categoría: Cirugía Bariátrica

Long-term outcomes of macrovascular diseases and metabolic indicators of bariatric surgery for severe obesity type 2 diabetes patients with a meta-analysis

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Bariatric endoscopy procedure type or follow-up: What predicted success at 1 year in 962 obese patients?

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Shared Decision Making and Choice for Bariatric Surgery

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Impact of age on postoperative complications following bariatric surgery

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Analysis of the Association between Eating Behaviors and Weight Loss after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

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Post-bariatric surgery lab tests: are they excessive and redundant

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Sleeve Gastrectomy in the Elderly

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Clinical Challenge: Patient With Severe Obesity BMI 46 kg/m2

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Bariatric surgery and its role in obesity pandemic

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Association of Metabolic Surgery With Major Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

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