Categoría: Dieta y obesidad

Diet Impact on Obesity beyond Calories and Trefoil Factor Family 2 (TFF2) as an Illustration: Metabolic Implications and Potential Applications

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The Impact of Ketogenic Nutrition on Obesity and Metabolic Health: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications

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Myths and Facts Regarding Low-Carbohydrate Diets

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Avances en nutrición de precisión y enfermedades cardiometabólicas

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Understanding how foods and enteral feedings influence the gut microbiome

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Vitamin D Supplementation: Practical Advice in Different Clinical Settings

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Gut Microbiota Modulation Through Mediterranean Diet Foods: Implications for Human Health

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Dietary Guidance, Sensory, Health and Safety Considerations When Choosing Low and No-Calorie Sweeteners

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Fructose Intake and Unhealthy Eating Habits Are Associated with MASLD in Pediatric Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study

Fructose Intake and Unhealthy Eating Habits Are Associated with MASLD in Pediatric Obesity A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study

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Preventing and Managing Pre- and Postoperative Micronutrient Deficiencies: A Vital Component of Long-Term Success in Bariatric Surgery

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