Categoría: Dieta y obesidad

Association of the DNA Methylation of Obesity-Related Genes with the Dietary Nutrient Intake in Children

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Dietary inflammatory index and its relation to the pathophysiological aspects of obesity: a narrative review

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Perspective: Examining Conflicts of Interest for Professional Service within the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

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The Impact of a Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet in the Gut Microbiota Composition in Obesity

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Mediterranean Diet and Male Fertility

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Trends in Fat Modifications Enabling Alternative Partially Hydrogenated Fat Products Proposed for Advanced Application

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Nonnutritive sweeteners and glucose intolerance: Where do we go from here?

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Effects of Nonnutritive Sweeteners on Body Composition Changes during Pubertal Growth

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Exploring Rates of Adherence and Barriers to Time-Restricted Eating

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Comparative Analysis of Fecal Microbiota in Vegetarians and Omnivores

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