Categoría: Dieta y obesidad

Sugars Factsheet

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Fighting Obesity-Related Micronutrient Deficiencies through Biofortification of Agri-Food Crops with Sustainable Fertilization Practices

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Blueberry Consumption and Changes in Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus Outcomes: A Systematic Review

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Fasting and weight loss: mobile application-based approach

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Exercise-induced changes to the human gut microbiota and implications for colorectal cancer: a narrative review

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Targeting mTOR Signaling by Dietary Polyphenols in Obesity Prevention

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Efficacy and safety of low and very low carbohydrate diets for type 2 diabetes remission: systematic review and meta-analysis of published and unpublished randomized trial data

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Dietary Polyphenols and Obesity: A Review of Polyphenol Effects on Lipid and Glucose Metabolism, Mitochondrial Homeostasis, and Starch Digestibility and Absorption

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Dietary Patterns, Cardiometabolic and Lifestyle Variables in Greeks with Obesity and Metabolic Disorders

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Chrononutrition—When We Eat Is of the Essence in Tackling Obesity

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