Categoría: Obesidad y sus Comorbilidades

A Systematic Approach to Treating Early Metabolic Disease and Prediabetes

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Importancia de la vitamina D3 en la diabetes

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Reversing pancreatic β-cell dedifferentiation in the treatment of type 2 diabetes

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Don’t miss the isolated diastolic hypertension

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Schizophrenia and obesity: May the gut microbiota serve as a link for the pathogenesis

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Impact of body mass index on efficacy and safety of ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with minor stroke or transient ischemic attack

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Lipid Peroxidation as a Possible Factor Affecting Bone Resorption in Obese Subjects—Preliminary Research

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Maternal obesity: A potential disruptor of female fertility and current interventions to reduce associated risks

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Alterations of hepatic energy metabolism in murine models of obesity, diabetes and fatty liver diseases

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The Fat Kidney

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