Categoría: Obesidad y sus Comorbilidades

Obesity as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer—The Role of miRNA

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Obesity and sudden cardiac death: Prevalence, pathogenesis, prevention and intervention

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Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease and implications for cardiovascular risk and disease prevention

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The impact of body mass index on laboratory, clinical outcomes and treatment costs in assisted reproduction: a retrospective cohort study

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Multi-Omics Nutritional Approaches Targeting Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease

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Exploring the Relationship between Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Neuroendocrine Neoplasms

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Macrophages at the Crossroad of Meta-Inflammation and Inflammaging

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Gut–Liver Axis and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Vicious Circle of Dysfunctions Orchestrated by the Gut Microbiome

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Association between hepatic steatosis and fibrosis with measures of insulin sensitivity in patients with severe obesity and type 2 diabetes – a cross-sectional study

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Relationships of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese children: A possible strategy to promote early screening of NAFLD

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