Categoría: Obesidad y sus Comorbilidades

Regulation of cholesterol homeostasis in health and diseases: from mechanisms to targeted therapeutics

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Review article: obesity and colorectal cancer

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Obesity and Bone Health: A Complex Relationship

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Comentario del CEIPV a las nuevas guías europeas de prevención cardiovascular 2021

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Assessing strategies to target screening for advanced liver fibrosis among overweight and obese patients

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Diabesity in Elderly Cardiovascular Disease Patients: Mechanisms and Regulators

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 Crosstalk between dietary patterns, obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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Aspects Regarding the Influence of Obesity on the Molecular Characteristics of Breast Tumors

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Semaglutide might be a key for breaking the vicious cycle of metabolically associated fatty liver disease spectrum

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The crosstalk between bone remodeling and energy metabolism: A translational perspective

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