Categoría: Obesidad y sus Comorbilidades

ESPEN expert statements and practical guidance for nutritional management of individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection

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The Role of Adipocytes and Adipocyte‐Like Cells in the Severity of COVID‐19 Infections

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Free fatty acid processing diverges in human pathologic insulin resistance conditions

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Why are South Asians prone to type 2 diabetes? A hypothesis based on underexplored pathways

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Trajectories of BMI Before Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes: The Rotterdam Study

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Effect of Sleeve Gastrectomy on Kisspeptin Expression in the Hypothalamus of Rats with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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(Poly)phenols and cardiovascular diseases: Looking in to move forward

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COVID-19 and the role of chronic inflammation in patients with obesity

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Adipokines and Obesity. Potential Link to Metabolic Disorders and Chronic Complications

[pdf-embedder url=»» title=»Adipokines and Obesity. Potential Link to Metabolic Disorders and Chronic Complications»]

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Metformin Enhances Autophagy and Normalizes Mitochondrial Function to Alleviate Aging-Associated Inflammation

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