
II Consenso Latinoamericano de Obesidad 2017

II Consenso Latinoamericano de Obesidad 2017

Este II Consenso Latinoamericano de Obesidad ha sido redactado por los países miembros de la Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Obesidad (FLASO), siendo de su propiedad intelectual y responsable del contenido expresado.

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Standards of Care in Diabetes—2025

Standards of Care in Diabetes—2025

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Ultra-processed Foods: Why They Matter and What to Do About It

Ultra-processed Foods: Why They Matter and What to Do About It

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What are healthy diets? Joint statement by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization

What are healthy diets? Joint statement by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization

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Report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the daily routine and behaviours of school-aged children: results from 17 Member States in the WHO European Region

Report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the daily routine and behaviours of school-aged children: results from 17 Member States in the WHO European Region

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Obesidad infantil Una pandemia invisible

Obesidad infantil Una pandemia invisible

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Edulcorantes bajos en calorías / sin calorías: Sus funciones y beneficios

Edulcorantes bajos en calorías / sin calorías: Sus funciones y beneficios

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Standards of Care in Diabetes—2024

Standards of Care in Diabetes—2024

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WHO technical manual on alcohol tax policy and administration 

WHO technical manual on alcohol tax policy and administration 

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20 años Programa 5 al día Chile: Promoviendo el Consumo de Frutas y Verduras

20 años Programa 5 al día Chile: Promoviendo el Consumo de Frutas y Verduras

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América Latina y el Caribe – Panorama Regional de la Seguridad Alimentaria y la Nutrición 2023

América Latina y el Caribe – Panorama Regional de la Seguridad Alimentaria y la Nutrición 2023

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WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6-23 months of age

WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6-23 months of age

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Global report on hypertension: the race against a silent killer

Global report on hypertension: the race against a silent killer

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Childhood overweight on the rise – Is it too late to turn the tide in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Childhood overweight on the rise – Is it too late to turn the tide in Latin America and the Caribbean?

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Carbohydrate intake for adults and children: WHO guideline

Carbohydrate intake for adults and children: WHO guideline

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Total fat intake for the prevention of unhealthy weight gain in adults and children: WHO guideline

Total fat intake for the prevention of unhealthy weight gain in adults and children: WHO guideline

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Saturated fatty acid and trans-fatty acid intake for adults and children: WHO guideline

Saturated fatty acid and trans-fatty acid intake for adults and children: WHO guideline

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Health service delivery framework for prevention and management of obesity

Health service delivery framework for prevention and management of obesity

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A primary health care approach to obesity prevention and management in children and adolescents: policy brief

A primary health care approach to obesity prevention and management in children and adolescents: policy brief

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Use of non-sugar sweeteners: WHO guideline

Use of non-sugar sweeteners: WHO guideline

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World Obesity Atlas 2023

World Obesity Atlas 2023

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Guías Alimentarias para Chile

Guías Alimentarias para Chile

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Standards of Care in Diabetes—2023

Standards of Care in Diabetes—2023

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National Obesity Strategy 2022–2032

National Obesity Strategy 2022–2032

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Panorama de la Diabetes en la Región de las Américas

Panorama de la Diabetes en la Región de las Américas

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Consenso de la Sociedad Chilena de Diabetología

Consenso de la Sociedad Chilena de Diabetología

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Food As Medicine: How Food and Diet Impact the Treatment of Disease and Disease Management

Food As Medicine: How Food and Diet Impact the Treatment of Disease and Disease Management

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Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: a Joint Approach to Halt the Rise

Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: a Joint Approach to Halt the Rise

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World Obesity Atlas 2022

World Obesity Atlas 2022

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Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes 2022

Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes 2022

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Lácteos: Nutrición y Salud

Lácteos: Nutrición y Salud

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The 2021 Global Nutrition Report – State of the World’s Nutrition

The 2021 Global Nutrition Report – State of the World’s Nutrition

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2021 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition

2021 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition

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IDF Diabetes Atlas 2021

IDF Diabetes Atlas 2021

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Orientación técnica Actividad física de ejercicio según curso de vida y comorbilidad, Parte II

Orientación técnica Actividad física de ejercicio según curso de vida y comorbilidad, Parte II

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Orientación técnica Actividad física de ejercicio según curso de vida y comorbilidad, Parte I.

Orientación técnica Actividad física de ejercicio según curso de vida y comorbilidad, Parte I.

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Assessing the existing evidence base on school food and nutrition policies: a scoping review

Assessing the existing evidence base on school food and nutrition policies: a scoping review

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UNICEF/WHO/The World Bank Group joint child malnutrition estimates: levels and trends in child malnutrition: key findings of the 2021 edition

UNICEF/WHO/The World Bank Group joint child malnutrition estimates: levels and trends in child malnutrition: key findings of the 2021 edition

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The double burden of malnutrition priority actions on ending childhood obesity

The double burden of malnutrition priority actions on ending childhood obesity

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Nutrition action in schools: a review of evidence related to the nutrition-friendly schools initiative

Nutrition action in schools: a review of evidence related to the nutrition-friendly schools initiative

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La tributación de las bebidas azucaradas en la Región de las Américas

La tributación de las bebidas azucaradas en la Región de las Américas

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COVID-19 and Obesity: The 2021 Atlas

COVID-19 and Obesity: The 2021 Atlas

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Avances en Obesidad

Avances en Obesidad

Avances en Obesidad, en sus más de mil páginas, analiza nuevos conceptos sobre el estado de la investigación actual en el campo de la obesidad, razón por la cual no se encontrarán en él algunos conceptos básicos sobre obesidad y patologías asociadas, los cuales fueron revisados y discutidos en el libro anterior “Obesidad y sus comorbilidades”, siendo en tal sentido una continuación de este último.

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Standars of Medical Care in Diabetes 2021

Standars of Medical Care in Diabetes 2021

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Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020 – 2025

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020 – 2025

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The United Kingdom National Bariatric Surgery Registry, Third Registry Report 2020

The United Kingdom National Bariatric Surgery Registry, Third Registry Report 2020

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The State of Obesity 2020: Better Policies for a Healthier America

The State of Obesity 2020: Better Policies for a Healthier America

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Actualización Manual de Geriatría para Médicos 2019. Ministerio de Salud de Chile

Actualización Manual de Geriatría para Médicos 2019. Ministerio de Salud de Chile

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Global Nutrition Report 2020

Global Nutrition Report 2020

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Report of the 50th Anniversary of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health

Report of the 50th Anniversary of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health

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Early Life Nutrition and Future Health

Early Life Nutrition and Future Health

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Business Leadership Brief For Healthy Planet, Healthy People

Business Leadership Brief For Healthy Planet, Healthy People

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Obesity : Health and Economic Consequences of an Impending Global Challenge

Obesity : Health and Economic Consequences of an Impending Global Challenge

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Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes – 2020

Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes – 2020

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Sustainable healthy diets guiding principles

Sustainable healthy diets guiding principles

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Políticas y programas alimentarios para prevenir el sobrepeso y la obesidad: Lecciones aprendidas

Políticas y programas alimentarios para prevenir el sobrepeso y la obesidad: Lecciones aprendidas

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Atlas of childhood obesity

Atlas of childhood obesity

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Informe Resumido de la Comisión EAT-Lancet

Informe Resumido de la Comisión EAT-Lancet

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UNICEF’s state of the world’s children report 2019

UNICEF’s state of the world’s children report 2019

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Panorama de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en América Latina y el Caribe 2019

Panorama de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en América Latina y el Caribe 2019

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El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo 2019

El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo 2019

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Ultra-processed foods, diet quality, and health using the NOVA classification system

Ultra-processed foods, diet quality, and health using the NOVA classification system

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Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age

Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age

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Sustainable – diets, food, and nutrition

Sustainable – diets, food, and nutrition

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Sustainable diets food for healthy people and a healthy planet

Sustainable diets food for healthy people and a healthy planet

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Standards of medical care in diabetes 2019

Standards of medical care in diabetes 2019

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Sodium and potassium intake: Effects on chronic disease outcomes and risks

Sodium and potassium intake: Effects on chronic disease outcomes and risks

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OECD-FAO Agricultural outlook 2018-2027

OECD-FAO Agricultural outlook 2018-2027

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Nutrición, alimentación y actividad física para la prevención de enfermedades no transmisibles

Nutrición, alimentación y actividad física para la prevención de enfermedades no transmisibles

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Nutrición materno infantil en los primeros 1000 días de vida

Nutrición materno infantil en los primeros 1000 días de vida

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Directo a tus hormonas. Guía de alimentos disruptores

Directo a tus hormonas. Guía de alimentos disruptores

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Dieta en enfermedades neuromusculares. Preguntas, respuestas y platos del mundo

Dieta en enfermedades neuromusculares. Preguntas, respuestas y platos del mundo

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Diet, nutrition, physical activity and cancer: a global perspective

Diet, nutrition, physical activity and cancer: a global perspective

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Behavioral and pharmacotherapy weight loss interventions to prevent obesity-related morbidity and mortality in adults

Behavioral and pharmacotherapy weight loss interventions to prevent obesity-related morbidity and mortality in adults

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Nutrigenomics and the future of nutrition

Nutrigenomics and the future of nutrition

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Examining special nutritional requirements in disease states

Examining special nutritional requirements in disease states

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Red meat and processed meat

Red meat and processed meat

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Animal models for microbiome research

Animal models for microbiome research

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Advancing obesity solutions through investments in the built environment – Proceedings of a workshop

Advancing obesity solutions through investments in the built environment – Proceedings of a workshop

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Future directions for the demography of aging – Proceedings of a workshop

Future directions for the demography of aging – Proceedings of a workshop

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Redesigning the process for establishing the dietary guidelines for americans

Redesigning the process for establishing the dietary guidelines for americans

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Global health and the future role of the United States

Global health and the future role of the United States

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Environmental chemicals, the human microbiome, and health risk

Environmental chemicals, the human microbiome, and health risk

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Cross-sector responses to obesity-models for chang workshop summary

Cross-sector responses to obesity-models for chang workshop summary

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Challenges and opportunities for change in food marketing to children and youth workshop summary

Challenges and opportunities for change in food marketing to children and youth workshop summary

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Alliances for obesity prevention: Finding common ground: Workshop summary

Alliances for obesity prevention: Finding common ground: Workshop summary

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The state of food security and nutrition for Europe and Central Asia 2017

The state of food security and nutrition for Europe and Central Asia 2017

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The challenge of treating obesity and overweight

The challenge of treating obesity and overweight

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Strategies to limit sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in young children

Strategies to limit sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in young children

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Optimizing the process for establishing the dietary guidelines for americans – The selection process

Optimizing the process for establishing the dietary guidelines for americans – The selection process

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The chemistry of microbiomes – Proceedings of a seminar series

The chemistry of microbiomes – Proceedings of a seminar series

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Recetario para deleitarse sin TACC

Recetario para deleitarse sin TACC

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Omega-3 fatty acids and maternal and child health – An updated systematic review

Omega-3 fatty acids and maternal and child health – An updated systematic review

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Incorporating weight management and physical activity throughout the cancer care Continuum

Incorporating weight management and physical activity throughout the cancer care Continuum

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Human genome editing – Science, ethics, and governance

Human genome editing – Science, ethics, and governance

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Principles for developing dietary reference intakes based on chronic disease

Principles for developing dietary reference intakes based on chronic disease

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Evaluating obesity prevention efforts – A plan for measuring progress

Evaluating obesity prevention efforts – A plan for measuring progress

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El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo

El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo

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Eating disorders: recognition and treatment

Eating disorders: recognition and treatment

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Driving action and progress on obesity prevention and treatment

Driving action and progress on obesity prevention and treatment

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Assessing the economic costs of unhealthy diets and low physical activity

Assessing the economic costs of unhealthy diets and low physical activity

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Sugar reduction: Achieving the 20%

Sugar reduction: Achieving the 20%

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Brechas sociales de la obesidad en la niñez y adolescencia

Brechas sociales de la obesidad en la niñez y adolescencia

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Panorama de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional 2016

Panorama de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional 2016

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Panorama de la inseguridad alimentaria en América Latina y el Caribe

Panorama de la inseguridad alimentaria en América Latina y el Caribe

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Nutrition across the lifespan for healthy aging

Nutrition across the lifespan for healthy aging

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Actividad física para la salud y la reducción del sedentarismo

Actividad física para la salud y la reducción del sedentarismo

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Accelerating progress in obesity prevention

Accelerating progress in obesity prevention

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Abordaje integral de personas con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles

Abordaje integral de personas con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles

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El costo de la doble carga de malnutrición: impacto social y económico

El costo de la doble carga de malnutrición: impacto social y económico

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The social and economic costs of obesity in Latin America: a call to action

The social and economic costs of obesity in Latin America: a call to action

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Libro blanco de la nutrición infantil

Libro blanco de la nutrición infantil

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Libro blanco de la nutrición en España

Libro blanco de la nutrición en España

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La nutrición es conciencia

La nutrición es conciencia

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Nutrición, vida activa y deporte

Nutrición, vida activa y deporte

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Alimentación y deporte

Alimentación y deporte

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Genes, ciencia y dieta

Genes, ciencia y dieta

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Food and nutrition guidelines for healthy older people

Food and nutrition guidelines for healthy older people

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Modelo de perfil de nutrientes de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud

Modelo de perfil de nutrientes de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud

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Global nutrition report

Global nutrition report

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Joint FAO-WHO Expert Committee on food fdditives

Joint FAO-WHO Expert Committee on food fdditives

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Información general sobre la hipertensión en el mundo

Información general sobre la hipertensión en el mundo

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Physical activity strategy for the WHO European Region 2016-2025

Physical activity strategy for the WHO European Region 2016-2025

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Potassium intake for adults and children

Potassium intake for adults and children

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Perfiles nutricionales

Perfiles nutricionales

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Recomendaciones mundiales sobre actividad física para la salud OMS

Recomendaciones mundiales sobre actividad física para la salud OMS

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Obesity in the early childhood years

Obesity in the early childhood years

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Physical activity – Moving toward obesity solutions

Physical activity – Moving toward obesity solutions

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Sobrepeso y obesidad en niños y adolescentes

Sobrepeso y obesidad en niños y adolescentes

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Safety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants

Safety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants

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The current state of obesity solutions in the United States

The current state of obesity solutions in the United States

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Meeting the dietary needs of older adults- Exploring the impact of the physical, social, and cultural environment

Meeting the dietary needs of older adults- Exploring the impact of the physical, social, and cultural environment

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Alimentación, nutrición e hidratación en el deporte

Alimentación, nutrición e hidratación en el deporte

Número NIPO: 663-09-051-X. Depósito Legal: M-14321-2009. Editado por el Consejo Superior de deportes y la Colaboración de Compañía de Servicios de Bebidas Refrescantes, S.L. (Coca-Cola España)
Madrid, marzo 2009.

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Sodium intake for adults and children

Sodium intake for adults and children

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Guideline1: Sodium intake for adults and children.
1.Sodium, Dietary. 2.Chronic disease – prevention and control. 3.Guideline. I.World Health Organization. ISBN 97892 41504836.

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The Human Microbiome, Diet, and Health – Workshop Summary

The Human Microbiome, Diet, and Health – Workshop Summary

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Guideline- Sugars intake for adult and children

Guideline- Sugars intake for adult and children

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Guideline: sugars intake for adults and children. 1.Carbohydrates. 2.Dietary Sucrose – administration and dosage. 3.Dental Caries – prevention and
control. 4.Obesity – prevention and control. 5.Chronic Disease – prevention and control. 6.Energy Intake. 7.Food Habits. 8.Recommended Dietary Allowances. 9.Guideline. 10.Adult. 11.Child. I.World Health Organization. ISBN 978 92 4 154902 8.

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Ending Childhood Obesity

Ending Childhood Obesity

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Report of the commission on ending childhood obesity.
1.Pediatric Obesity – prevention and control. 2.Child. 3.Feeding Behavior. 4.Food Habits. 5.Exercise. Diet. 7.Health Promotion. 8.National Health Programs. I.World Health Organization. ISBN 978 92 4 151006 6.

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Cultivos y Sabores de Nuestra América

Cultivos y Sabores de Nuestra América

Este recetario que presentamos, es fruto de acciones de cooperación técnica entre países latinoamericanos con quienes emprendimos políticas, programas o estrategias vinculadas a la autoproducción de alimentos, la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria.

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Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition

Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition

The committee would like to thank Dr Shane Rutherfurd of the Riddet Institute, Massey University, New Zealand for supplying data for the exemplar calculations of DIAAS and Dr Joyce Boye of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, for providing the examples of the calculation of DIAAS given in Section IV (2) of the report.

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Anthropometry Procedures Manual

Anthropometry Procedures Manual

Anthropometry is the study of the measurement of the human body in terms of the dimensions of bone, muscle, and adipose (fat) tissue. The word “anthropometry” is derived from the Greek word “anthropo” meaning “human” and the Greek word “metron” meaning “measure” (Ulajaszek, 1994).

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Informe Mundial sobre el envejecimiento y la salud

Informe Mundial sobre el envejecimiento y la salud

Informe mundial sobre el envejecimiento y la salud.

  1. Envejecimiento.
  2. Esperanza de Vida.
  3. Anciano.
  4. Servicios de Salud para Ancianos.
  5. Salud Global.
  6. Dinámica de Población.
  7. Prestación de Atención de Salud.

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Libro Alimentación Paleolítica en el siglo XXI

Libro Alimentación Paleolítica en el siglo XXI

Montero, Julio Cesar
Alimentación paleolítica en el siglo XXI – 1a ed. – Buenos Aires
Librería Akadia Editorial, 2011.

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Libro Sodio & Potasio En busca del Equilibrio

Libro Sodio & Potasio En busca del Equilibrio

Editor Científico: Dr. Luis H. Zárate M. Producción y Diseño: Puente 2 Editores & Creativos Ricardo Matte Pérez 0160, Providencia, Santiago. Tel/Fax (56-2) 378 3833 E-mail Impreso por Salviat Impresores Tiraje 7000 ejemplares

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Dr. Alex Valenzuela Montero. Segunda Edición Es un texto que explora los aspectos básicos y avanzados de los numerosos descubrimientos en el campo de la obesidad en los últimos años, que han modificado radicalmente nuestros antiguos conocimientos, especialmente sobre su etiología y fisiopatología. El apoyo de la ingeniería genética en la experimentación animal y su extrapolación al hombre, ha permitido ir descifrando paulatinamente los intricados mecanismos neuroendocrinos de la regulación de la alimentación, lo cual nos acerca cada vez más a esa fascinante posibilidad de que en un futuro mediato podamos contar con novedosos y efectivos tratamientos para esta epidemia del siglo XXI. En sus páginas, también se examina la obesidad desde el diagnóstico hasta su tratamiento, incluyendo consecuencias metabólicas y sus repercusiones en la salud. En resumen, una obra indispensable, reúne de una manera ágil y atractiva un visión completa de los principales avances en obesidad, dirigida a todos aquellos profesionales de la salud que se interesen por conocer más de ella. Editorial Mediterráneo. Teléfono: 56-2-2321494

Obesidad y sus Comorbilidades

Obesidad y sus Comorbilidades

Dr. Alex Valenzuela Montero. Es el título de su nuevo libro recientemente publicado por el Dr. Alex Valenzuela, que en sus más de 800 páginas, condensadas en 27 capítulos, explora de manera clara, precisa, actualizada y didáctica lo más importante sobre obesidad y sus patologías asociadas, brindando un concepto integral de ella, abarcando desde la fisiología del tejido adiposo hasta su tratamiento. En resumen, un texto indispensable para todos aquellos profesionales y estudiantes de la salud que se interesen por conocer más de esta epidemia del siglo XXI.